Ulla Kösterke
Production sound mixer
+49 172 3561593
IMDb | Crew United
Practising professionally since: 1989
Residence: Berlin

In 1983 Ulla Kösterke started her film studies at “German Film and Television Academy Berlin” (DFFB) . There she spezialized in sound. Before she graduated in Journalism, German Literature and Sociology from the “Freie Universität Berlin.” (FU Berlin). Since 1989 she works as Production Sound Mixer on Feature Films and Documentaries, for Cinema and TV and shot more than hundred films all over the world. Many of them won national and international awards.
Ulla Kösterke is teaching Filmsound at “German Film and Television Academy” (DFFB), Met Film School Berlin, Dekra Hochschule für Medien and other institutions.
She is member of “German Film Academy e.V.”, “Verband Deutscher Tonmeister e.V”.and “ProQuoteFilm”.
Eigenes Equipment: Equipment für Dokumentar- und Spielfilm (Sound Devices, Sennheiser, Neumann, Audio Ltd, DPA etc.)
Languages: German (native speaker) | English (fluent) | French (basic knowledge) | Spanish (basic knowledge)
Filmography (selection)
Inschallah. Ein Imam in Berlin | feature documentary | production sound | R: J. Keil, A. Kruska | P: Keil Kruska Film UG | D | 2016
Die Hochzeit meiner Eltern | TV feature| production sound | R: Connie Walther | P: Real Film Berlin GmbH | D | 2015
Patong Girl | feature film | production sound | R: Susanna Salonen | P: Hanfgarn & Ufer | D | 2013
Das Traumschiff – Spezial | TV feature | production sound | R: Hans Jürgen Tögel | P: Polyphon Film und TV | D | 2011
9 Leben | feature documentary | production sound | R: Maria Speth | P: Madonnen Film GmbH | D | 2009