Henrike Sommer
Foley Artist
+49 15752097561
IMDb | Sommerklänge – Foley & Sounddesign | crew-united
Practising professionally since: 2020
Residence: Sachsen, Germany

Henrike Sommer’s passion for radio plays led her into the world of foley. She initially studied Audiovisual Media at the Stuttgart Media University. In this bachelor’s degree programme, Henrike Sommer specialised in film sound and sound design, which she further deepened in the postgraduate course of the same name at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Since 2020, Henrike Sommer has been working alongside her studies as a freelance foley artist and sound designer under the name “Sommerklänge”. Since graduating in 2022, she has been working full-time as a foley artist and has since worked on numerous film and series productions. Her great passion is telling stories through sound and bringing them to life with foley.
Own Equipment: Pro Tools editing suite, large selection of shoes and props
Languages: German (Native Speaker), English (good), Russian (Basic knowledge)
Filmography (Selection)
Elaha | Feature Film | Foley Artist | R: Milena Aboyan | P: Kinescope Film, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | 2023
Jenseits der blauen Grenze | Feature Film | Foley Artist | R: Sarah Neumann | P: Wood Water Films, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | 2022
The Last Bar | animated Shortfilm | Sounddesign | R: Arne Hain | P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | 2022
Wer füttert den Hasen? | TV-Feature | Foley Artist | R: Tim Trageser | P: Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion | 2023
Sterben | Feature Film | Foley Artist | R: Matthias Glasner | P: Port au Prince Film & Kultur Produktion GmbH | 2024