Birte Gerstenkorn
Sound editor
Sound designer
Production sound mixer
Webseite | IMDb | Crew United
Practising professionally since: 2010
Residence: Berlin

Birte Gerstenkorn (born 1982) is an enthusiastic sound collector with a focus on documentary and art films. She also creates sound designs and music for film and radio productions in her studio in Berlin Kreuzberg. Studies of political science, work in radio editorial offices as well as Berlin’s underground culture have shaped her path, which finally led her to the film sound department in 2010.
Since then she has worked on children’s films, documentaries, feature films, commercials, experimental and art films and talkshows. Some of these have played successfully at festivals around the globe, and on cinema, TV and social media screens.
Birte owns high quality recording equipment, as well as a sound studio in Berlin Kreuzberg for voice over and and foley work.
Own equipment:
Full kit for documentaries (Sound Devices, Zoom, Schoeps, Neumann, Sennheiser; Audio Ltd. and Sennheiser wireless, Timecode)
Languages: German (native), English (fluent), Spanish and French (enough to get around)
Filmography (Selection)
Neubau: | Feature Film | Location Sound | D: Johannes Maria Schmit | P: Schuldenberg Films| GER | 2020
Air to breathe | feature documentary | Sounddesign, Mix | D: Johanna Schellhagen |
P: | GER | 2019
Of Seahorses and Closets | TV Documentary | Location Sound | D: Kerstin Polte | P: Serienwerk | GER | 2018
Breathing life into stone | Feature Documentary | location sound | D: Katinka Zeuner| P: Katinka Zeuner Produktion | GER | 2018
CECTPA – Sister | Feature Documentary | sound design, mix | D: Claudia Krieg, Frank Olias, Markus Bauer | P: Claudia Krieg, Frank Olias, Markus Bauer| ISR, GER | 2015